16 April 2011

Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 + serial


Dengan Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 anda akan di bawa ke suasana serta melihat diri Anda dalam salah satu surga yang paling tenang di dunia. Mungkin duduk di samping sebuah sungai gemericik lembut di hari yang hangat atau di hadapan damai laut yang bergulir. Semua kekhawatiran dan peduli hanyut saat Anda menutup mata Anda dan mendengarkan irama damai Ibu Alam.

Apakah anda selalu ingin fokus pada tugas, bersantai setelah seharian bekerja keras, atau mendapatkan tidur nyenyak adalah Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 solusinya. Silahkan mencoba, dan salam dari saya ruangxp!!

See yourself in one of the most tranquil paradises in the world. Perhaps sitting next to a gentle gurgling brook on a warm day or in the peaceful presence of a rolling sea. All worries and cares drift away as you close your eyes and listen to the peaceful rhythms of Mother Nature.

You will find the features of Natura invaluable as you discover how much it can help you. With so many demands and distractions in your day, it can be difficult to achieve what you set out to do, whether it is to focus on a task, relax after a hard day of work, or get restful sleep. Natura will help you do those things more efficiently and effectively than you thought possible. It is the ideal tool to aid you in improving your quality of life. Try living in a more relaxed, balanced state and see for yourself how much better your life can be. Your mind, body, and the world around you will thank you for it!

Some of Natura's features:

* Relax with 34 nature and music sounds including: Ocean Waves, Babbling Brook, Rain/thunder storm, Singing Birds, Insects, Chirping Frogs, Wind Chimes, Ambient Space 1 & 2, Native American Flute, Piano, Ambient Dub, and Hand Drumming.
* Coax your brain into a different state with 64 Brainwave Synchronizer tones.
* Instantly access customized mood enhancement with 38 easy quick start Factory Presets.
* Choose a peaceful scene out of 14 Visualizations.
* Select your favorite color with the Custom Color Picker.
* Make up to 121 of your own favorite combinations with the User Presets.
* Control the length of your sessions with the Countdown Timer.
* Personalize your view with 20 Background Images.

Some uses of Natura:

* Get a full night's sleep.
* Use as a meditation aid.
* Help yourself study or concentrate.
* Relax while you work at your computer.
* Overcome writer's block.
* Help a baby get to sleep.
* Calm your pets.
* Decrease anxiety.
* Clear the cobwebs from your mind.
* Heal yourself.
* Drown out distracting noises.




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