30 April 2011

UltraISO Premium Edition 9.36 Build 2750 - With Keygen

UltraISO Premium Edition Back Update the latest version of UltraISO Premium Edition Build 2750 9:36 - UltraISO is one software that works to create, edit and convert ISO files. With bloggers UltraISO can extract the ISO file and then burn it (burn) into a piece of CD / DVD. And you bloggers can also create an ISO file from CD / DVD.

Image file that you open with this tool, can be mounted directly into your PC. Thus, the file will be easily accessible from Windows Explorer. If the files are not want you to make to the form of image files, you can simply burn it into CD / DVD. A burner has been integrated in it. You can just open it via the menu bar.

If you have a game that was on crak but still it ask for cd to play the game, this software can be very helpful for you. Because of this software already exists in the virtual drive. So you no longer need to insert the cd into the optical drive for playing games.

UltraISO Features :

Duplicate Disc to CD/DVD Image
Build Files/Folders to One ISO File
Organize and Manage Efficiently
Edit and Convert ISO File in Many Format
Make Bootable CD/DVDs
Create/Edit Audio CD Image

Changes in 9.36 :

+) Improved write disk image feature, can write Ubuntu UNR 9.10 image to bootable USB flash drive, and create bootable USB harddisk with multiple artitions (Xpress Write)
+) Can handle CD-TEXT information of .C2D images
+) Show information about time elapsed on burn
+) Supports 25GB/50GB media type
Can detect and use virtual CD/DVD drive of Daemon-Tools 4.35 and Alcohol 120% 2.00
Fixed a bug with mounting multiple ISOs to virtual drive with isocmd.exe
Some minor improvements and bug fixes

System Requirement

Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003/XP (32bit and 64bit), Windows 2000, ME, 98SE, 98, or Windows NT4.0 SP6a+ operating system .
Intel Pentium 166MHz or above.
64MB memory.
At least 10MB free hard disk space .
CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver (copy compact disc image needs).

Indonesian Description:
UltraISO Premium Edition Kembali Update versi terbarunya yaitu UltraISO Premium Edition 9.36 Build 2750 - UltraISO merupakan salah satu software yang berfungsi untuk membuat, edit dan konversi file ISO. Dengan UltraISO sobat blogger bisa melakukan ekstrak file ISO dan selanjutnya membakarnya (burn) ke dalam kepingan CD/DVD. Dan anda blogger juga bisa membuat file ISO dari CD/DVD.

File image yang Anda buka dengan tool ini, bisa langsung di-mount ke dalam PC Anda. Dengan demikian, file tersebut akan mudah diakses dari Windows Explorer. Apabila file-file tersebut tidak ingin Anda buat ke dalam bentuk file image, Anda bisa langsung membakarnya ke dalam CD/DVD. Sebuah burner telah terintegrasi di dalamnya. Anda tinggal membukanya melalui menu bar.

Jika anda mempunyai sebuah game yang sudah di crak tapi tetap saja minta cd untuk memainkan game tersebut, software ini bisa sangat membantu untuk anda. Karena di dalam software ini sudah ada virtual drivenya. Sehingga anda tidak perlu lagi memasukkan cd kedalam optical drive untuk memainkan game.
By. www.ruangxp.co.cc

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29 April 2011

Photo Calendar Maker 1.81

Photo Calendar Maker 1.81 | 20.7 MB
Photo Calendar Maker is a new application to create beautiful photo calendars for a year or month. Using the program, you can quickly create stylish, professional-looking calendars with photos. To begin, the user needs to select the format and design and add a photo. The calendar is ready! The program lets you create hundreds of calendar variants in many styles: classic or modern, standard or refined, business-like or romantic. The program comes with the pack of templates, created by professional designers.

Photo Calendar Maker allows to customize any element of the calendar, including title, fonts, background, holidays, month layout and more. You can create unique calendars in different formats - from pocket to wall calendars. Our photo calendar software is easy to learn and has a detailed user manual.

Photo Calendar Maker key features:
Ability to create professional-looking photo calendars for any year or month.
It enables to easily personalize your calendar with text at any location.
Dozens of beautiful photo calendar templates in many styles.
Customize national and religious holidays.
Ability to create your calendar in your language.
New! Ability to create a calendar with photo collage.

Home page - http://ams-photo-software.com/

Indonesian Description:
Foto Kalender Maker adalah sebuah aplikasi baru untuk membuat kalender foto yang indah selama satu tahun atau bulan. Menggunakan program ini, Anda dapat dengan cepat menciptakan gaya, kalender tampak profesional dengan foto. Untuk memulai, pengguna perlu memilih format dan desain dan menambahkan foto. Kalender siap! Program ini memungkinkan Anda membuat ratusan varian kalender dalam berbagai gaya: klasik atau modern, standar atau halus, bisnis-suka atau romantis. Program ini dilengkapi dengan pak template, dibuat oleh desainer profesional.

Foto Kalender Maker memungkinkan untuk menyesuaikan setiap elemen dari kalender, termasuk judul, font, latar belakang, liburan, tata letak bulan dan banyak lagi. Anda dapat membuat kalender unik dalam format yang berbeda - dari saku ke kalender dinding. Perangkat lunak foto kalender kami adalah mudah untuk belajar dan memiliki panduan pengguna rinci.

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Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.9.0 Update

Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.9.0 Update | 42.55 MB
Nikon Camera Control Pro - This software is designed to remotely manage the settings of most digital SLR cameras Nikon. The camera can be connected to a computer via USB cable to a wired or wireless network using a wireless transmitter. At the same time providing support for advanced camera capabilities, such as LiveView, Picture Control System and Viewer, which provides an opportunity to preview and select images before transferring them to your computer. The list of supported cameras and functionality is presented below. This software allows you to manage most of the camera remotely - from a computer.

Main Features:
• Most settings of Nikon digital SLRs, that are connected via USB cable, such as exposure mode, shutter speed, and aperture can be controlled remotely from a computer, Wired or wireless LAN is also available when using a wireless transmitter.
• In addition to direct transfer of images from a camera to computer, all procedures from shooting to saving images are smoothly processed.
• Enhanced viewer function enables thumbnail display of images stored in a computer.
• Integration with other Nikon software:
• Support for ViewNX browser and viewer software.
• Support for Capture NX photo-finishing software.

Modifications enabled with 2.9.0
• Modifications that apply to both the Windows and Macintosh versions
• Support for the D5100 has been added. However, the Custom Settings dialog, available from the Camera menu, cannot be used.
• Support for the following D5100 features has been added.
• Shooting using the High Dynamic Range (HDR) feature
• Shooting in Special Effects mode. (However, still images cannot be captured and movies cannot be recorded in Special Effects mode when live view mode is enabled.)
Compatible Cameras:
D2H, D2HS, D2X, D2XS, D3, D3S, D3X, D40, D40X, D50, D60, D70, D70S, D80, D90, D100, D200, D300, D300S, D700, D5000, D5100, D7000.

Installation: Camera Control Pro 2.9.0 updates version 2.8.0. You must have Camera Control Pro 2.8.0 installed to continue.

Home Page - http://www.europe-nikon.com/

Indonesian Description:
Nikon Camera Control Pro - perangkat lunak ini dirancang untuk mengelola pengaturan kamera Nikon SLR digital dari jarak jauh. Kamera dapat dihubungkan ke komputer melalui kabel USB ke jaringan kabel atau tanpa kabel menggunakan pemancar nirkabel. Pada saat yang sama memberikan dukungan untuk kemampuan kamera canggih, seperti LiveView, Picture Control System dan Viewer, yang memberikan kesempatan untuk melihat gambar dan pilih sebelum mentransfernya ke komputer Anda. Daftar kamera didukung dan fungsionalitas disajikan di bawah ini. Software ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola sebagian besar kamera jarak jauh - dari komputer.


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24 April 2011

Istighfar Dan Rezeki


Istighfar secara bahasa bermakna memohon ampun kepada Allah SWT. Ketika seseorang melakukan kesalahan atau dosa, ia dapat segera memohon ampun kepada Allah dengan membaca istighfar. Mengingat setiap manusia tidak pernah lepas dari salah dan dosa, maka istighfar semestinya dilakukan setiap saat dan sesering mungkin.

Rasulullah SAW sendiri yang terjaga dari salah dan dosa (ma’sum) tidak pernah lupa membaca istighfar. Kata beliau, ”Sesungguhnya terdapat kesalahan atas kalbuku, sehingga aku membaca istighfar sebanyak seratus kali dalam sehari.” (HR Muslim). Meski demikian, istighfar tidak akan berarti apa-apa jika perbuatan dosa tersebut diulang kembali. Di sinilah pentingnya mengiringi istighfar dengan bertobat.

Tobat secara bahasa bermakna kembali. Yaitu, kembali kepada jalan yang benar. Tobat seseorang baru sempurna jika disertai dengan dua hal. Pertama, perbuatan dosa atau maksiat yang pernah dilakukan dijauhi dan tidak diulang kembali. Kedua, menyesali perbuatan dosa atau maksiat tersebut dengan diiringi tekad tidak akan melakukannya lagi.

Bukan hanya itu. Istighfar ternyata juga ada hubungannya dengan rezeki dan urusan lain dalam hidup. Sabda Rasulullah SAW, ”Barangsiapa memperbanyak istighfar, maka Allah akan melapangkan setiap kesusahannya, memberi jalan keluar setiap kesukarannya, dan memberi rezeki tanpa diduga-duga. (HR Abu Dawud dan Nasa’i).

Dalam salah satu ayat-Nya, Allah SWT berfirman, ”Maka aku (Nabi Nuh) katakan kepada mereka, ‘Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu, sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun, niscaya Dia akan mengirimkan hujan lebat kepadamu, membanyakkan harta dan anak-anak, dan mengadakan untukmu kebun-kebun dan sungai-sungai’.” (QS 71: 10-12).

Dalam menafsirkan ayat ini, ahli tafsir Ibnu Katsir mengungkapkan bahwa istighfar dan tobat seseorang kepada Allah akan menjadi jalan datangnya rezeki, turunnya hujan yang membawa keberkahan, bertambahnya keturunan, dan melimpah ruahnya hasil bumi.

Pada dasarnya, orang yang beristighfar sedang mengakui kesalahan yang mengotori jiwanya. Ketika ia memohon ampun dan bertobat, noda itu akan terhapus dari hatinya. Hati yang bersih akan mudah melakukan kebaikan, termasuk mencari rezeki. Hati yang bersih akan mendorong seseorang untuk mendapatkan rezeki yang baik dan halal. Dari rezeki yang halal itulah turun keberkahan Allah SWT.

Sebaliknya, hati yang dihiasi dosa, akan mendorong pemiliknya melakukan kejahatan. Ia tidak akan sungkan melakukan perbuatan kotor dan tidak halal. Dengan demikian, dosa dalam hati seseorang jika tidak segera dihapus dengan istighfar dan bertobat, akan menimbulkan dosa baru lainnya.

Pada akhirnya pribadi yang kotor oleh dosa akan jauh dari keberkahan rezeki Allah sebagaimana sabda Nabi SAW, ”Seorang hamba dicegah dari rezeki akibat dosa yang diperbuatnya.” (HR Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah).

Berkaitan dengan hadis ini, Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi mengatakan, ”Jika ketakwaan merupakan penyebab datangnya rezeki, maka meninggalkannya dapat menimbulkan kefakiran. Tidak ada satu pun yang dapat memudahkan rezeki Allah kecuali dengan meninggalkan maksiat.” Wallahu a’lam.
English Description:
Linguistically meaningful Istighfar beg pardon of Allah SWT. When someone makes a mistake or a sin, he can immediately begged pardon of God with istighfar. Given every human being is never separated from the wrong and sin, seek forgiveness, should be done at any time and as often as possible.

Prophet Muhammad himself who awake from wrong and sin (ma'sum) never forget istighfar. He said, "Surely there is an error on into my soul, so I read seek forgiveness, as much as a hundred times a day." (Muslim). However, seek forgiveness, will not mean anything if the sin is repeated. This is where the importance of the convoy seek forgiveness by repenting.

Penance in language meaningful return. That is, back to the right path. Penance new one perfect when accompanied by two things. First, sin or immoral act ever done shunned and not repeated. Second, sorry for sin or immoral act is accompanied by the determination will not do it anymore.

Not only that. Seek forgiveness, it also has to do with sustenance and other affairs in life. Word of the Prophet Muhammad, "Whoever reproduce seek forgiveness, Allah will relieve any distress, gave way out every kesukarannya, and gives sustenance unexpectedly. (Abu Dawud and Nasa'i).

In one of his verse, Allah says, "So I (Noah) said to them, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is Oft-Forgiving, He will send rain to you, augment wealth and children, and make for you gardens and rivers. '"(Surah 71: 10-12).

In interpreting this verse, Ibn Kathir commentators reveals that a person seek forgiveness and repent to Allah will be a road coming of sustenance, the rain that brings blessing, increasing descent, and ruahnya abundant crops.

Basically, people who are admitted mistakes beristighfar that pollutes the soul. When he begged for forgiveness and repent, the stain will be removed from his heart. A clean heart will be easy to do good, including the search for sustenance. A clean heart will encourage someone to get the sustenance of good and lawful. From the kosher food that's down blessing of Allah SWT.

In contrast, the liver is decorated sin, will encourage owners to do evil. He will not hesitate to do dirty deeds and not kosher. Thus, the sin in one's heart, if not immediately removed by seek forgiveness and repent, sin will lead to other new.

On personal finally dirty by sin will be far from God's blessing for good fortune, as the Prophet SAW, "A servant is prevented from sustenance from the sin that done." (Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Majah).

Related to this hadith, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi said, "If piety is the cause of the arrival of sustenance, then left it can cause poverty. None of that can facilitate the provision of God except by leave immoral. "And Allaah knows best.
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HomePlanSoft Easy Mail Plus

From the complexity of database management to the design of graphic layouts for envelopes and labels, Easy Mail Plus is more powerful and easier to use than is any other mailing list software available. We invite you to compare and see for yourself. Since Easy Mail Plus is shareware, you can try it risk-free. The evaluation version is fully functional, not limited in any way. Download it now, then use it free for 30 days, including any of the supporting components of interest. This is our way of guaranteeing your satisfaction with this top-of-the-line mailing list software.
Would you like to . . .
• Create custom layouts for envelopes, labels and letterheads?
• Create and save an unlimited number of layouts for different purposes?
• Include graphics in your layouts and documents?

Do you need the ability to . . .
• Send a personalized letter to selected clients or customers?
• Make more effective use of your own database files?

Would it be handy if you could . . .
• Find any data item in your files instantly?
• Enter zip code and have the city and state filled in automatically?
• Use addresses with up to 8 lines of 50 characters each?
• Temporarily limit your mailing list to addresses in one zip code or state?

Indonesian Description:
Dari kompleksitas manajemen database dengan desain grafis untuk layout amplop dan label, Mail Plus lebih mudah digunakan daripada perangkat lunak mail lain. Kami mengundang Anda untuk membandingkan dan lihat sendiri. Sejak Mudah Mail Plus adalah shareware, anda dapat mencobanya bebas risiko. Versi evaluasi berfungsi penuh, tidak terbatas dengan cara apapun. Download sekarang, kemudian menggunakannya gratis selama 30 hari, termasuk salah satu komponen pendukung yang menarik. Ini adalah cara kami untuk menjamin kepuasan Anda dengan top-of software mailing-baris-daftar.

Apakah Anda ingin. . .
• Buat layout kustom untuk amplop, label dan kop surat?
• Membuat dan menyimpan jumlah yang tidak terbatas layout untuk tujuan yang berbeda?
• Sertakan grafis di layout Anda dan dokumen?

Apakah Anda memerlukan kemampuan untuk. . .
• Kirim surat pribadi untuk klien yang dipilih atau pelanggan?
• Membuat lebih efektif menggunakan file database Anda sendiri?

Apakah akan berguna jika Anda bisa. . .
• Cari semua item data dalam file Anda langsung?
• Masukkan kode pos dan memiliki kota dan negara diisi secara otomatis?
• Gunakan alamat sampai dengan 8 baris 50 karakter masing-masing?
• Untuk sementara mailing list membatasi Anda ke alamat dalam satu kode zip atau negara?

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Video2webcam enables you to show video clips as virtual webcam during video chat whether you own a real webcam or not. You could either share your home-made video clips easily with your friends while chatting on line or make fun of them by pretending to be somebody else. With it, you can play a variety of videos on messengers and switch between real & virtual webcams easily & quickly.It supports all kinds of media file formats including video formats (avi, asf, flv, mp4,mpeg, mpg, ram, rm, rmvb, wmv and etc.) and picture formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png and etc.). Besides, it works on all webcam programs such as MSN, Camfrog, Skype, ICQ, AIM, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger, ANYwebcam, Stickam, ICUII, Ustream.tv, iSpQ, etc.

Key Features:
Show video clips during video chat:
· You could either share your home made videos with your family or make fun of your friends by pretending to be somebody else.

Work even without a real webcam:
· Play a variety of videos on messengers no matter whether you have a real webcam or not.

Support all kinds of media file formats:
· Include video formats (avi, asf, flv, mp4,mpeg, mpg, ram, rm, rmvb, wmv and etc.) and picture formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png and etc.).

Work for all webcam programs:
· MSN, Camfrog, Skype, ICQ, AIM, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger, ANYwebcam, Stickam, ICUII, Ustream.tv, iSpQ

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20 April 2011

Nero Burning Rom 10.0.13100 (Portable)

Nero Multimedia Suite 10 excels your multimedia power with a collection of three products bundled into one powerful suite. It’s loaded with advanced video editing features, media organizer and player, superior burning software, reliable backup technology, and special multimedia tools to enhance your music, photos and videos.

The Nero 10 package provides advanced video editing and HD movie creation, reliable backup and easy recovery and industry leading CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc burning and copying solutions.

Video Editing with Nero Vision Xtra:
- Search quickly, play back and easily arrange all your music, photos and videos all in one place
- Utilize cutting-edge video editing tools (picture-in-picture, full keyframe control, master effect track and assorted special effects and transitions) in a true multi-track timeline to achieve advanced personal touches
- Create High Definition DVD, and Blu-ray Disc movies using SmartEncoding for faster HD video output, and author Blu-ray Discs with 24 progressive frame high-quality cinema-style format
- Media player for all most popular audio, video and photo formats such as AVCHD, MKV, FLV, FLAC, DVD, MPEG-4 AVC, (S)-VCD, AVCREC and Audio CDs, plus music playlists and slideshows
- Burn music, photos and videos to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs, or share to social communities

Burning with Nero Burning ROM:
- Ensure your discs are readable regardless of scratches, age, or deterioration with SecurDisc technology
- Drag and drop files to burn and copy to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs or save disc images
- Split oversized files to burn onto multiple discs
- Add extra security protection to your data by adding personal passwords and encryption
- Experience superior playback quality from your burned content
- Make flawless copies of your discs with reliable, uninterrupted burns

Backup with Nero BackItUp & Burn:
- One-click Autobackup without reconfiguring computer settings
- SecurDisc technology – Ensure data readability, increase the chance of retrieving your files, protect your data from unintended alterations, and verify the originator of the data
- Easily back up data to hard drive, CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, FTP, memory card and online storage
- Restore personal data after a computer crash or accident
- Recover damaged or deleted files from hard drives, CDs, DVDs, flash storage and floppy discs
- Back up files and folders to multiple devices at once

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19 April 2011

Puran Defrag v7.3-CRD


Puran Defrag yang sangat mudah digunakan defragmentasi dan aplikasi optimasi. Ini menyediakan banyak fitur yang meliputi PIOZR revolusioner, Automatic Defragmentation, Boot Time Defragmentation, Low Priority Defrag. Ini juga olahraga Individu File / Folder Defrag, GUI dan Console Command Line, Restart / Shutdown setelah Boot Defrag Waktu, dukungan asli untuk 64 Bit Systems dan banyak lagi. Semua fitur ini lancar menggabungkan bersama-sama untuk sistem anda memberikan dorongan kecepatan yang signifikan.

Puran Defrag is a very easy to use defragmentation and optimization application. It provides many features which include revolutionary PIOZR, Automatic Defragmentation, Boot Time Defragmentation, Low Priority Defrag. It also sports Individual File/Folder Defrag, GUI and Console Command Line, Restart/Shutdown after Boot Time Defrag, Native support for 64 Bit Systems and many more. All these features smoothly combine together in order to give your system a significant speed boost.

Boot Time Defragmentation to defrag system files like MFT, Pagefile, Registry, Hibernation File etc.
Automatic Defragmentation which means you will never have to worry about fragmented disks
Low priority defragmentation which means you can now work on your system while defragmentation is going on.
System Optimization, which means it moves frequently used files to the faster disk area, which improves performance.
Directory Optimization, which means it moves all directories to the faster disk area, which improves performance.
Optimization by Freeing Space, which means it frees some faster disk area for temporary files created while Windows is running.
Once defrag is over, it can shutdown or restart your computer.
It can defrag individual files by simply right clicking on the file and selecting ‘Puran Defrag’
Scheduling of defrag by Windows scheduler is supported
Even if a file cannot be defragmented due to low space, it tries to defrag it to atleast some extent.
It performs a disk check before starting defragmentation after restart
Command Line defrag supported

Release Name: Puran.Defrag.v7.3-CRD
Size: 3.06 MB

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Miray HDClone v4.0.4 Professional-HDCLONE


HDClone menciptakan salinan fisik atau logis (klon) dan gambar file dari hard disk dan media penyimpanan lainnya . HDClone merupakan alat yang sempurna untuk backup dan salinan dari perangkat lunak seluruh atau instalasi sistem operasi. Mode 'SafeRescue' A khusus membuat HDClone menjadi alat bantu untuk menyelamatkan hard disk yang rusak dan media lainnya. HDClone bekerja independen dari skema partisi, sistem file, dan sistem operasi. Ia juga bekerja dengan format proprietary yang sebaliknya akan unaccessible.

HDClone creates physical or logical copies (clones) and file images of hard disks and other mass storage media. HDClone is a perfect tool for backups and copies of entire software or operating system installations. A special ‘SafeRescue’ mode makes HDClone an invaluable tool for rescuing defective hard disks and other media. HDClone works independent of partitioning scheme, file system, and operating system. It also works with proprietary formats which otherwise would be unaccessible.

NEW: Miray Virtual Disk
NEW: USB 3.0
NEW: VMware/VMDK images
NEW: Automatic downsizing of FAT-Partitionen
NEW: Defragmentation ‘on-the-fly’ for FAT
Cloning and imaging of Windows 7 + running on Windows 7
Command line version for automated cloning & imaging
Automatic downsizing of NTFS partitions
Defragmentation ‘on-the-fly’ for NTFS
HotCopy & LiveImage while running Windows
Supporting hard disks > 2 Terabytes (= 2000 GB)
For data rescue, backup, migration, mass installations etc.
Logical and physical 1:1 copies (= sector copies)
Logical, physical and compressed file images
Cloning hard disks and many other storage media
Self-booting and running on Windows XP/Vista/7, Server 2003/2008

Release Name: Miray.HDClone.v4.0.4.Professional-HDCLONE
Size: 25.01 MB

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16 April 2011

Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 + serial


Dengan Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 anda akan di bawa ke suasana serta melihat diri Anda dalam salah satu surga yang paling tenang di dunia. Mungkin duduk di samping sebuah sungai gemericik lembut di hari yang hangat atau di hadapan damai laut yang bergulir. Semua kekhawatiran dan peduli hanyut saat Anda menutup mata Anda dan mendengarkan irama damai Ibu Alam.

Apakah anda selalu ingin fokus pada tugas, bersantai setelah seharian bekerja keras, atau mendapatkan tidur nyenyak adalah Natura Sound Therapy v3.0 solusinya. Silahkan mencoba, dan salam dari saya ruangxp!!

See yourself in one of the most tranquil paradises in the world. Perhaps sitting next to a gentle gurgling brook on a warm day or in the peaceful presence of a rolling sea. All worries and cares drift away as you close your eyes and listen to the peaceful rhythms of Mother Nature.

You will find the features of Natura invaluable as you discover how much it can help you. With so many demands and distractions in your day, it can be difficult to achieve what you set out to do, whether it is to focus on a task, relax after a hard day of work, or get restful sleep. Natura will help you do those things more efficiently and effectively than you thought possible. It is the ideal tool to aid you in improving your quality of life. Try living in a more relaxed, balanced state and see for yourself how much better your life can be. Your mind, body, and the world around you will thank you for it!

Some of Natura's features:

* Relax with 34 nature and music sounds including: Ocean Waves, Babbling Brook, Rain/thunder storm, Singing Birds, Insects, Chirping Frogs, Wind Chimes, Ambient Space 1 & 2, Native American Flute, Piano, Ambient Dub, and Hand Drumming.
* Coax your brain into a different state with 64 Brainwave Synchronizer tones.
* Instantly access customized mood enhancement with 38 easy quick start Factory Presets.
* Choose a peaceful scene out of 14 Visualizations.
* Select your favorite color with the Custom Color Picker.
* Make up to 121 of your own favorite combinations with the User Presets.
* Control the length of your sessions with the Countdown Timer.
* Personalize your view with 20 Background Images.

Some uses of Natura:

* Get a full night's sleep.
* Use as a meditation aid.
* Help yourself study or concentrate.
* Relax while you work at your computer.
* Overcome writer's block.
* Help a baby get to sleep.
* Calm your pets.
* Decrease anxiety.
* Clear the cobwebs from your mind.
* Heal yourself.
* Drown out distracting noises.



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14 April 2011

Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro 2011 (x86/x64)


Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro melindungi laptop Anda dan desktop dan memberikan perlindungan terhadap ancaman berbahaya yang dapat menyelinap masuk ke sistem anda saat browsing Internet, memeriksa mail, chatting, dll Setelah instalasi, ia bertindak sebagai perisai terhadap virus, worm, trojan, spywares dan ancaman berbahaya lainnya. Ini juga menyediakan keamanan terhadap ancaman baru dan tidak dikenal dengan terkenal Cepat Sembuh's DNAScan Teknologi. Ini menggunakan sumber daya sistem minimum, sehingga memberikan perlindungan yang lengkap untuk sistem anda tanpa memperlambat itu turun.

Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro protects your laptops and desktops and provides protection against malicious threats that can sneak into your system when you are browsing the Internet, checking mails, chatting, etc. Upon installation, it acts as a shield against viruses, worms, trojans, spywares and other malicious threats. It also provides security against new and unknown threats with Quick Heal’s renowned DNAScan Technology. It utilizes minimum system resources, thereby giving complete protection to your system without slowing it down.

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11 April 2011

Data Recovery Collections (2011)

Genre : Systems tools | English | 2011

An assembly of the best programs to recover any data from any device on any occasion.
This CD contains programs to recover data from hard disk file systems Windows and Linux, scratched CD, DVD disks, USB Flash drives, various memory cards, cameras, MP3 players. One can also recover data from cell phones, and you will find a program for restoring SMS, phone numbers from your SIM card and a program to recover stuck pixel and reduce bad pixel spots on monitors.

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Runtime GetDataBack for FAT/ NTFS 4.10 + Portable


Data Recovery Software - GetDataBack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack comes in two flavours, NTFS and FAT depending on what file system you have.

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted...
GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing.

The tool works at partition level and will restore files and folders exactly how they used to be. It recovers data from floppy and ZIP disks, drive images and even remote drives connected by a serial cable or TCP/IP. As the name says, it restores files from FAT/ NTFS disks - file system used by Windows NT/2000/XP, yet works on all Windows systems. Make sure you never install the program on the to-be-recovered drive and you will never lose important data.

Advanced algorithms will make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Please make sure to read the safety instructions...

The software enables the regular user to conduct his own data recovery by guiding him through three easy to understand steps, thus gives the advanced user the possibility to interfere with the recovery and improve the results, by examining the scan log, the file system details, file and directory information, by selecting the sector range to be scanned, by choosing excessive search for file systems or search for lost files, by calling Runtime's DiskExplorer.

Recover files over your local network or over a serial cable - This feature enables you to run GetDataBack on one computer ("remote") while accessing the drives of another computer ("host"). Recovering data over a network is useful, especially when you are not able to remove the drive you want to recover from and attach it to another computer.

GetDataBack recovers from:

* Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA)
* USB drives
* Firewire drives
* Partitions
* Dynamic Disks
* Floppy drives
* Drive images
* Zip/Jaz drive
* Compact Flash Cards
* Smart Media Cards
* Secure Digital Cards
* USB Flash Drive
* iPod Disks

Runtime GetDataBack for FAT/ NTFS 4.10

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10 April 2011

Softros LAN Messenger 3.6

Softros Messenger LAN adalah aplikasi pesan untuk komunikasi intra-kantor yang efektif menggunakan LAN. Tidak membutuhkan server dan sangat mudah untuk menginstal. Softros LAN Messenger dengan benar mengidentifikasi dan bekerja di bawah Windows account pengguna terbatas NT/2000/XP/Vista (tanpa akses administratif). Softros LAN IM hadir dengan berbagai fitur berguna seperti alarm pemberitahuan pesan, pesan pribadi atau kelompok, transfer file dan antarmuka yang intuitif. LAN kami chatting utilitas menawarkan pilihan enkripsi yang kuat untuk semua pesan masuk dan keluar, menjamin tidak ada orang yang tidak berhak pernah membaca korespondensi pribadi. Program ini sangat stabil bila berjalan di bawah setiap sistem operasi Windows dan pada besar atau kecil TCP / IP jaringan. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk menghubungi pengguna individu atau kelompok untuk pemberitahuan. Semua chatting pesan akan dicatat, sehingga tidak ada risiko kehilangan pesan. Semua korespondensi bisa dilihat kapan saja.

Softros LAN Messenger is an easy-to-use LAN messaging application for effective intra-office communication. It does not require a server and is very easy to install. Softros LAN Messenger correctly identifies and works under Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista limited user accounts (without administrative privileges). Softros LAN IM comes with a variety of handy features such as message notification alarms, personal or group messaging, file transfer and an intuitive interface. Our LAN chat utility offers strong encryption options for all incoming and outgoing messages, guaranteeing no unauthorized person ever reads personal correspondence. The program is very stable when running under any Windows operating system and on large or small TCP/IP networks. This application can be used for contacting individual users or for group notifications. All chat messages are logged, so there is no risk of losing a message. All correspondence can be looked up at any time.

`There are convenient sound alarms for incoming messages. The program is very straightforward and requires no special training. It is ready to be used right after installation is completed. Configuring the program can be done by individual users without requesting any assistance from the IT staff or system administrators. All settings can be saved and easily transferred to another computer if necessary.

Is your company starting to experience communication problems? Does it take too much time to call your co-workers to invite them to a group meeting? Hate walking all over the building to solve some trivial issue? Then it's time to consider implementing corporate instant messaging software for your company.

Key features:
* Instant messaging with LAN chat ability
Create chat rooms with multiple users conversation.
* Secure LAN messaging - Save your privacy
All message exchanges are protected by the AES encryption algorithm adopted by the U.S. government.
* Group broadcast messages
Notify all users or specified user groups about an event.
* Offline messaging
Send messages to users even when they are offline. No server or dedicated storage required.
* File transmission
Exchange documents with your colleagues with ease.
* User grouping
Arrange your colleagues in groups by business departments or titles.
* Users rights limitation management
Administrators can selectively restrict functions of Softros LAN Messenger for normal users.
* Message logging
Never lose your messages.
* Serverless architecture
You do not need to set up and maintain a dedicated messaging server on your corporate network. Our instant messaging tool is a stand-alone client application.
* Does not require an Internet connection
It works inside your LAN or WAN preventing employees from wasting their time on chatting with their friends via Internet-based IMs, saving your Internet bandwidth and allowing you to minimize firewall openings that could allow outside attacks and IM worms.
* Terminal Services support
Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Services environment and Windows XP fast user switching support using Softros Terminal Service Engine add-on.
* Very easy installation
You do not need administrator's skills to start using Softros messaging software; just install and run our intranet messenger on each computer on your network and it's ready to work.
* Import and export your LAN settings
Configure network settings on one computer, export it to a file, then import it to any other computer on your network.
* Multilanguage user interface
Use Softros LAN Messenger in your native language.
* Full Windows Vista support - Corporate instant messaging software never looked so good!
Our program provides you with ergonomic, full Windows Vista interface support.

How to Installation
You need to execute a setup program writing obscure data to your registry or updating DLLs in your Windows system folder. Simply proceed as follows:
1. Unzip the downloaded archive Softros LAN Messenger 3.6.zip completely into this directory
2. Run Setup.EXE
3. Follow the instructions.
4. First of all install the software than copy "License.lic" and paste into " c:\Program Files\Softros Systems\Softros Messenger ".

Home Page - http://messenger.softros.com/

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09 April 2011

7-Zip 9.20 x86 and x64


7-Zip is an open source file archiver with the high compression ratio predominantly for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It operates either as a command line program or with a graphical user interface. It also features integration with the Windows shell environment. 7-Zip is free software, developed by Igor Pavlov and distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

The main features of 7-Zip:
* High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
* Supported formats:
- Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
- Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS
* For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
* Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
* Self-extracting capability for 7z format
* Integration with Windows Shell
* Powerful File Manager
* Powerful command line version
* Plugin for FAR Manager
* Localizations for 74 languages

Changes in 7-Zip 9.20(2010-11-18): for Windows:
- 7-Zip File Manager now can calculate SHA-256 checksum.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Download 7-Zip 9.20 x86:

Download 7-Zip 9.20 x64:
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Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.2


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.2 Full RePack (2011) | 1.73 GB

Adobe Photoshop CS5 – a program for processing raster graphics. Supports numerous graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case is to work with layers and uses the contours. Program is the undisputed leader among the professional graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.

A revolutionary tool for Content-Aware Fill with well-developed intellect can instantly remove any object or part of the image carrying fill the space formed in the light of the other parts of the image. He just picks up light, tone and noise, depending on the surrounding area, which allows to eliminate any traces of the deleted object. With the new Refine Edge tool, users can perform the selection, which was virtually unavailable earlier. Innovative technology accurately detects and creates a mask for the most complex types of objects, such as hair or foliage of trees, while not capturing the background.

With the advent of Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures into one HDR image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate spectacular HDR images using a single image.

Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, who mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element of the image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.

Among the most interesting innovations are the following:
“Technology Truer Edge in Photoshop CS5 Extended, improves the definition of boundaries of objects in photographs.
“Tool Content-Aware Fill to remove from the image of an object and automatically fill the space with the relevant content.
“Advanced tools for working with the HDR-images, which include tool HDR Pro, which improved removal of artifacts and image adjustments. Using the HDR-toning, you can mimic the appearance of HDR-images for the usual picture.
“Tools Mixer Brush, blending the colors in one brush
“Puppet Warp Tool for the strain of any element of the image. It can, for example, to change the landscape to create a different perspective, or to straighten a bent arm.
“The ability to save 16-bit image format JPEG.
“Custom mini-bar Adobe Mini Bridge for fast file management, which is available directly from the application.

Advantages of Adobe Photoshop Extended:
- Convenient dynamic panel control to access all the necessary tools for color correction and toning images, styles, and other editing tools.
- Streamlined interface.
- Rotate the canvas with a single click from any angle.
- Intelligent scaling.
- Pixel-editing of images by maximizing individual sites without losing definition.
- Enhanced tools for editing motion graphics.
- View the Photo Gallery in a convenient format: tabs or in tiled format.

List of changes:
- From the ESD-source distribution, containing American English removed all other languages.
- The distribution is in addition to the English language is added in a single installer Russian version of the product.
- The distribution is integrated into an update for Adobe Photoshop up to version 12.0.2.
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Camera Raw to version 6.3.079.
- The distribution is integrated into an update for Adobe Bridge to version
- The distribution is integrated into an update for Adobe Device Central to version 3.0.1.
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe CS Live Services for CS5 to version 2.0.1.
- The distribution is integrated with Adobe Air update to version
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Community Help to version
- The distribution is integrated into an update for Adobe XMP Panels to version 3.1.
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Player for Embedding to version 3.1.
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit to version
- By kutsemu installer ESD-version added a menu similar to the Box-version. Made it in the image of the same menu for Photoshop CS4.
- In the folder there is a Crack keygen patch to register Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended.
- In the folder there is a Crack file UpdateFix allowing fixed a check for updates for the presence of already integrated into the assembly.
- In the Update for your convenience a separate installer is available, allowing you to quickly and easily add a second language interface and Help file in Photoshop without having to reinstall the program.

Title: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.2 DVD by m0nkrus [EN-RU]
Year: 2010
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English and Russian
Medicine: Patch Crack

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08 April 2011

USB Driver - 2011


The new boot stick from 5ender. Quote from the author: I want to share with you my personal bootable flash drive, which saved me time and again. Spread the request of a friend, but would be happy if she will be helpful. Flash Drive differs from analogue that is loaded without problems on most computers, allows use normal usb flash drive or hard drives formatted in ntfs or fat32. With her, I do not use the dvd drive is already the third year.
Ubuntu 11.04
Just did not include in the archive of images, because they are easier to download from the official site, modify them is not required, just copy them into the folder \ FLASH \ ubuntu. In principle, you can use any linux, just need the right to edit MENU.LST

Alkid Live USB 28.08.2010
Universal boot disk to work and restore the system. Classical winPE technology no wim-s and other . Contains a set of updated antivirus, tools for working with disks and images, backup and lifting systems, restore lost information and passwords, create new administrative ***s, return to the point of rollback, your system info, etc. Works with SATA disks and RAID arrays, mounts a volume Linux,

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05 April 2011

Smadav 2011 Rev 8.4 Pro


Download Smadav 8.4 terbaru di tahun 2011 ini merupakan revisi dari versi yang lama yakni download smadav 8.3 . Jika dalam versi update yang lama telah di tambahkan database 40 varian virus baru, pembersihan semua varian virus shortcut, dan banyak fitur baru lainnya, maka dalam free download smadav terbaru 2011 Revisi 8.4 ini juga akan di tambahkan fitur pendeteksian khusus untuk beberapa virus shortcut terbaru (MSO-sys, fanny-bmp),penambahan database 40 virus baru, penyempurnaan deteksi semua varian virus shortcut, penambahan teknik heuristik, dsb.

Dengan adanya update terbaru smadav ini semoga bisa menghasilkan hasil scanning yang lebih memuaskan daripada versi download smadav 8.3.

HOme - smadav.net

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03 April 2011

Access Lock 3.3


Thanks to softdown32.com
Akses Lock adalah utilitas keamanan yang sangat mudah digunakan dan dapat membantu Anda mengamankan desktop Anda ketika Anda jauh dari komputer Anda.
Hanya mengkonfigurasi program, menentukan password dan double klik Akses Kunci sistem-tray icon setiap kali Anda perlu menonaktifkan dan menyembunyikan desktop Anda.

Access Lock is an easy to use security utility which can help you secure your desktop when you are away from your computer.
Just configure the program, define a password and double click the Access Lock system-tray icon every time you need to disable and hide your desktop.

While it is locked, the system keys and taskbar are disabled and the mouse cursor is trapped, unauthorized password entries are met with an audio alert and logged to disk.

The only thing is available in this mode is a pop-up password-entry dialog with an input area for the password that restores your desktop to working condition.

Access Lock enables you to lock your PC by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing others to watch what happens there that is very useful when you would like to demonstrate something to people but do not want them to play with it.

Access Lock also prevents unauthorized access on boot and allows people around to leave messages while the system is locked. You will find the program interface very easy to negotiate. Excellent online help is available.

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Platinum Theme for Win XP


Apakah PC anda menggunakan OS Windows XP? Atau anda sudah mulai bosan melihat tampilan Windows XP Kesayangan anda?

Jika jawaban anda iya, maka saya anjurkan anda coba yang satu ini dulu. Jangan buru-buru membuang windows xp kesayangan anda, atau jangan buru-buru anda Re-instal atau upgrade ke windows 7.

Silahkan anda download melalui link dibawah ini, kemudian instal di PC anda, dijamin anda akan menemui perubahan pada wajah XP kesayangan anda. Selamat mencoba! Salam ruangxp!!

Is your PC using Windows XP OS? Or you are getting bored seeing the look of Windows XP your Pet?

If your answer is yes, then I recommend you try this one first. Do not rush to dispose of your pet windows xp, or do not rush you Re-install or upgrade to Windows 7.

Please download via the link below, then install on your PC, guaranteed you will see a change in the face of your beloved XP. Good luck!

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02 April 2011

FlashFXP 4.1.0 Build 1554 Beta


PC-Ware info
FlashFXP adalah FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client untuk Windows, yang menawarkan cara termudah dan tercepat untuk mentransfer file apapun antara komputer lokal Anda dan server di Internet, atau bahkan langsung antara dua server menggunakan Situs untuk transfer Situs. Tersedia dalam lebih dari 20 bahasa. FlashFXP menawarkan keamanan, kinerja, dan kehandalan bahwa Anda selalu dapat mengandalkan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan Anda dilakukan dengan cepat dan efisien. Gunakan FlashFXP untuk mempublikasikan dan memelihara website anda, Upload dan mendownload dokumen, foto, video, musik dan banyak lagi, Berbagi file Anda dengan teman dan rekan kerja, atau bahkan menggunakannya untuk men-download shareware lain! Ada banyak, banyak fitur yang tersedia di FlashFXP.

FlashFXP Features :
- Fully tested and supports gigabit speeds (including Jumbo Frames)
- MODE Z support for on-the-fly streaming compression.
- Support for FEAT and "stat -l" fast directory listing reduces overhead and improves compatibilty.
- Download and upload speed limiting. Save some of your bandwidth for browsing the web.
- Advanced Skip list.
- Optional caching of remote directory lists.

- Includes OpenSSL Libraries 0.9.8b.
- Automatic support for One Time Password (OTP) S/KEY.
- Strong encryption (Blowfish) can be applied to the site manager to protect your information.
- Connect to sites using SSL/TLS encryption for added security, including the use of client certs.
- SSL Site-to-Site (SSCN) Transfers.
- Clear Command Channel (CCC).

- Site to Site (FXP) Transfers.
- Fully recursive file transferring (uploading, downloading, site to site).
- Caching allows for offline browsing, queueing.
- Firewall support, allowing you to define a set range of local ports, or bind to a specific IP.
- FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4, 5 support. (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc).
- Internal ident server.
- Per Site Connectivity modes support.
- PRET support for distributed FTP servers.

- Full Multi-language support.
- Simple (FTP-Only) and Advanced (FXP) views.
- Advanced queue control.
- Transfer Graph (only ftp transfer speeds can be graphed).
- Multi-Proxy Server Manager.
- Synchronized browsing allows webmasters to keep local and remote directly listings in synch while browsing.
- Internal Schedule (Transfer or Stop a queue at a specific time).
- Enhanced drag-and-drop functionality.
- Import site listings from Cute FTP, WS_FTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP, and Bullet Proof. Including passwords!.
- Optional displaying of Owner/Groups/Attrib.
- Site Stats, keeps track of your uploads/downloads and overall totals.
- Minimizes to system tray.
- List hidden files.
- Folder Bookmarks to provide one click access to any folder.
- Quick backup/restore of all sites/settings.
- Internal text editor for quick edits.

Advanced Options
- Extensive command line options for scripting/scheduling.
- Remote FTP file search.
- Custom file highlighting; display file masks in user defined colors.
- Calculate the size of all files in a specified path.
- Grouped SITE custom commands.
- Priority transfer list.
- Time Zone setting for Site Manager.
- Selective Transfer feature (transfer only images or just php files).

Home page - http://www.flashfxp.com/

Download links:
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01 April 2011

PC Tools File Recover v8.0.0.77


File Recover allows you to recover critically important documents and other files that have been lost by accidental deletion. These files may be lost by emptying the Recycle Bin or using other deletion actions that bypass the Recycle Bi altogether. Such actions include Windows Shift-Delete, command line deletion, deleting excessively large files or using applications that delete files without the Recycle Bin. When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, or if the recycle bin is bypassed altogether, the file can no longer be recovered by the Windows Operating System. However, the
content of the file still remains on the drive, relatively intact, until the section of the drive it occupies is overwritten by another file.

* Significant speed improvements
* Scans an entire hard drive in minutes to find deleted files
* Recovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy disks and other types of fixed media.
* Scan selected hard drives or partitions for specific files.
* Batch file recovery (recovers multiple files in one action).
* Works around bad sector disk areas. Recovers data where other programs fail.
* Support for IDE/ATA/SCSI hard drives.
* Support for hard drives formatted with FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems.
* File Recover supports multiple languages and contains Smart Update that facilitates the maintenance of product updates.


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